TV Commercials
Plan Your Passing
Plan Your Passing Sixty Second Television commercial is designed to be aired on network TV cable stations along with being inside of the 30 minute Infomercial on Plan and Your Passing.
This neuropathy sixty second commercial airs in The Tampa Bay area helping people who suffer with neuropathy this commercial also is used inside of it 30 minute infomercial.
Knee Pain and Regenerative Therapy
Millions of Americans suffer with joint and knee pain in this sixty second commercial drives consumers to a free seminar to discover how they can benefit. This marketing generated over 100 million in sales.
Silver Infused Mask
The COVID-19 era created an opportunity to bring a very innovative mask that was and she’s with Silver to kill bacteria this mask also was rechargeable so it made having a mask how much nicer and easier process because you could breathe and it was Transparent. This program generated thousands of masks sold Primarily on cable TV and selected Markets.
Neuropathy National Version
Neuropathy commercial it’s not only designed to attract patients that suffer with Neuropathy but other conditions associated with pain as well this commercial typically generates between a 4 to 1 return on your money and as high as a 10 to 1 return on your investment.